RFC 0702: rangefull-expression

lang (syntax | expressions | ranges)


Add the syntax .. for std::ops::RangeFull.


Range expressions a..b, a.. and ..b all have dedicated syntax and produce first-class values. This means that they will be usable and useful in custom APIs, so for consistency, the fourth slicing range, RangeFull, could have its own syntax ..

Detailed design

.. will produce a std::ops::RangeFull value when it is used in an expression. This means that slicing the whole range of a sliceable container is written &foo[..].

We should remove the old &foo[] syntax for consistency. Because of this breaking change, it would be best to change this before Rust 1.0.

As previously stated, when we have range expressions in the language, they become convenient to use when stating ranges in an API.

@Gankro fielded ideas where methods like for example .remove(index) -> element on a collection could be generalized by accepting either indices or ranges. Today's .drain() could be expressed as .remove(..).

Matrix or multidimensional array APIs can use the range expressions for indexing and/or generalized slicing and .. represents selecting a full axis in a multidimensional slice, i.e. (1..3, ..) slices the first axis and preserves the second.

Because of deref coercions, the very common conversions of String or Vec to slices don't need to use slicing syntax at all, so the change in verbosity from [] to [..] is not a concern.



Unresolved questions

Any parsing questions should already be mostly solved because of the a.. and ..b cases.