RFC 1415: trim-std-os

libs (repr | machine)


Deprecate type aliases and structs in std::os::$platform::raw in favor of trait-based accessors which return Rust types rather than the equivalent C type aliases.


RFC 517 set forth a vision for the raw modules in the standard library to perform lowering operations on various Rust types to their platform equivalents. For example the fs::Metadata structure can be lowered to the underlying sys::stat structure. The rationale for this was to enable building abstractions externally from the standard library by exposing all of the underlying data that is obtained from the OS.

This strategy, however, runs into a few problems:

Over time it's basically turned out that exporting the somewhat-messy details of libc has gotten a little messy in the standard library as well. Exporting this functionality (e.g. being able to access all of the fields), is quite useful however! This RFC proposes tweaking the design of the extensions in std::os::*::raw to allow the same level of information exposure that happens today but also cut some of the tie from libc to std to give us more freedom to change these implementation details and work around weird platforms.

Detailed design

First, the types and type aliases in std::os::*::raw will all be deprecated. For example stat, ino_t, dev_t, mode_t, etc, will all be deprecated (in favor of their definitions in the libc crate). Note that the C integer types, c_int and friends, will not be deprecated.

Next, all existing extension traits will cease to return platform specific type aliases (such as the DirEntryExt::ino function). Instead they will return u64 across the board unless it's 100% known for sure that fewer bits will suffice. This will improve consistency across platforms as well as avoid truncation problems such as those Android is experiencing. Furthermore this frees std from dealing with any odd FFI compatibility issues, punting that to the libc crate itself it the values are handed back into C.

The std::os::*::fs::MetadataExt will have its as_raw_stat method deprecated, and it will instead grow functions to access all the associated fields of the underlying stat structure. This means that there will now be a trait-per-platform to expose all this information. Also note that all the methods will likely return u64 in accordance with the above modification.

With these modifications to what std::os::*::raw includes and how it's defined, it should be easy to tweak existing implementations and ensure values are transmitted in a lossless fashion. The changes, however, are both breaking changes and don't immediately enable fixing bugs like using LFS on Linux:

To help with these issues, more extensive modifications can be made to the platform specific modules. All type aliases can be switched over to u64 and the stat structure could simply be redefined to stat64 on Linux (minus keeping the same name). This would, however, explicitly mean that std::os::raw is no longer FFI compatible with C.

This breakage can be clearly indicated in the deprecation messages, however. Additionally, this fits within std's breaking changes policy as a local as cast should be all that's needed to patch code that breaks to straddle versions of Rust.


As mentioned above, this RFC is strictly-speaking a breaking change. It is expected that not much code will break, but currently there is no data supporting this.

Returning u64 across the board could be confusing in some circumstances as it may wildly differ both in terms of signedness as well as size from the underlying C type. Converting it back to the appropriate type runs the risk of being onerous, but accessing these raw fields in theory happens quite rarely as std should primarily be exporting cross-platform accessors for the various fields here and there.


Unresolved questions