RFC 1946: Intra-rustdoc links

tools | docs | tools (rustdoc | intra-links)


Add a notation how to create relative links in documentation comments (based on Rust item paths) and extend Rustdoc to automatically turn this into working links.


It is good practice in the Rust community to add documentation to all public items of a crate, as the API documentation as rendered by Rustdoc is the main documentation of most libraries. Documentation comments at the module (or crate) level are used to give an overview of the module (or crate) and describe how the items of a crate can be used together. To make navigating the documentation easy, crate authors make these items link to their individual entries in the API docs.

Currently, these links are plain Markdown links, and the URLs are the (relative) paths of the items' pages in the rendered Rustdoc output. This is sadly very fragile in several ways:

  1. As the same doc comment can be rendered on several Rustdoc pages and thus on separate directory levels (e.g., the summary page of a module, and a struct's own page), it is not possible to confidently use relative paths. For example, adding a link to ../foo/struct.Bar.html to the first paragraph of the doc comment of the module lorem will work on the rendered /lorem/index.html page, but not on the crate's summary page /index.html.
  2. Using absolute paths in links (like /crate-name/foo/struct.Bar.html) to circumvent the previous issue might work for the author's own hosted version, but will break when looking at the documentation using cargo doc --open (which uses file:/// URLs) or when using docs.rs.
  3. Should Rustdoc's file name scheme ever change (it has change before, cf. Rust issue #35236), all manually created links need to be updated.

To solve this dilemma, we propose extending Rustdoc to be able to generate relative links that work in all contexts.

Detailed Design

Markdown/CommonMark allow writing links in several forms (the names are from the CommonMark spec in version 0.27):

  1. [link text](URL) (inline link)
  2. [link text][link label] (reference link, link label can also be omitted, cf. shortcut reference links) and somewhere else in the document: [link label]: URL (this part is called link reference definition)
  3. <URL> which will be turned into the equivalent of [URL](URL) (autolink, required to start with a schema)

We propose that in each occurrence of URL of inline links and link reference definitions, it should also be possible to write a Rust path (as defined in the reference). Additionally, automatic link reference definitions should be generated to allow easy linking to obvious targets.

Additions To The Documentation Syntax

Rust paths as URLs in inline and reference links:

  1. [Iterator](std::iter::Iterator)
  2. [Iterator][iter], and somewhere else in the document: [iter]: std::iter::Iterator
  3. [Iterator], and somewhere else in the document: [Iterator]: std::iter::Iterator

Implied Shortcut Reference Links

The third syntax example above shows a shortcut reference link, which is a reference link whose link text and link label are the same, and there exists a link reference definition for that label. For example: [HashMap] will be rendered as a link given a link reference definition like [HashMap]: std::collections::HashMap.

To make linking to items easier, we introduce "implied link reference definitions":

  1. [std::iter::Iterator], without having a link reference definition for Iterator anywhere else in the document
  2. [`std::iter::Iterator`], without having a link reference definition for Iterator anywhere else in the document (same as previous style but with back ticks to format link as inline code)

If Rustdoc finds a shortcut reference link

  1. without a matching link reference definition
  2. whose link label, after stripping leading and trailing back ticks, is a valid Rust path

it will add a link reference definition for this link label pointing to the Rust path.

Collapsed reference links ([link label][]) are handled analogously.

(This was one of the first ideas suggested by CommonMark forum members as well as by Guillaume Gomez.)

Standard-conforming Markdown

These additions are valid Markdown, as defined by the original Markdown syntax definition as well as the CommonMark project. Especially, Rust paths are valid CommonMark link destinations, even with the suffixes described below.

How Links Will Be Rendered

The following:

The offers several ways to fooify [Bars](bars::Bar).

should be rendered as:

The offers several ways to fooify <a href="bars/struct.Bar.html">Bars</a>.

when on the crates index page (index.html), and as this when on the page for the foos module (foos/index.html):

The offers several ways to fooify <a href="../bars/struct.Bar.html">Bars</a>.

No Autolinks Style

When using the autolink syntax (<URL>), the URL has to be an absolute URI, i.e., it has to start with an URI scheme. Thus, it will not be possible to write <Foo> to link to a Rust item called Foo that is in scope (this also conflicts with Markdown ability to contain arbitrary HTML elements). And while <std::iter::Iterator> is a valid URI (treating std: as the scheme), to avoid confusion, the RFC does not propose adding any support for autolinks.

This means that this will not render a valid link:

Does not work: <bars::Bar> :(

It will just output what any CommonMark compliant renderer would generate:

Does not work: <a href="bars::Bar">bars::Bar</a> :(

We suggest to use Implied Shortcut Reference Links instead:

Does work: [`bars::Bar`] :)

which will be rendered as

Does work: <a href="../bars/struct.Bar.html"><code>bars::Bar</code></a> :)

Resolving Paths

The Rust paths used in links are resolved relative to the item in whose documentation they appear. Specifically, when using inner doc comments (//!, /*!), the paths are resolved from the inside of the item, while regular doc comments (///, /**) start from the parent scope.

Here's an example:

/// Container for a [Dolor](ipsum::Dolor).
struct Lorem(ipsum::Dolor);

/// Contains various things, mostly [Dolor](ipsum::Dolor) and a helper function,
/// [sit](ipsum::sit).
mod ipsum {
    pub struct Dolor;

    /// Takes a [Dolor] and does things.
    pub fn sit(d: Dolor) {}

mod amet {
  //! Helper types, can be used with the [ipsum](super::ipsum) module.

And here's an edge case:

use foo::Iterator;

/// Uses `[Iterator]`. <- This resolves to `foo::Iterator` because it starts
/// at the same scope as `foo1`.
fn foo1() { }

fn foo2() {
    //! Uses `[Iterator]`. <- This resolves to `bar::Iterator` because it starts
    //! with the inner scope of `foo2`'s body.

    use bar::Iterator;

Cross-crate re-exports

If an item is re-exported from an inner crate to an outer crate, its documentation will be resolved the same in both crates, as if it were in the original scope. For example, this function will link to f in both crates, even though f is not in scope in the outer crate:

// inner-crate

pub fn f() {}
/// This links to [f].
pub fn g() {}
// outer-crate
pub use inner_crate::g;

Links to private items

If a public item links to a private one, and --document-private-items is not passed, rustdoc should give a warning. If a private item links to another private item, no warning should be emitted. If a public item links to another private item and --document-private-items is passed, rustdoc should emit the link, but it is up to the implementation whether to give a warning.

Path Ambiguities

Rust has three different namespaces that items can be in, types, values, and macros. That means that in a given source file, three items with the same name can be used, as long as they are in different namespaces.

To illustrate, in the following example we introduce an item called FOO in each namespace:

pub trait FOO {}

pub const FOO: i32 = 42;

macro_rules! FOO { () => () }

To be able to link to each item, we'll need a way to disambiguate the namespaces. Our proposal is this:

If a disambiguator for a type does not match, rustdoc should issue a warning. For example, given struct@Foo, attempting to link to it using [enum@Foo] should not be allowed.


Ideally, Rustdoc would be able to recognize Rust path syntax, and if the path cannot be resolved, print a warning (or an error). These diagnostic messages should highlight the specific link that Rustdoc was not able to resolve, using the original Markdown source from the comment and correct line numbers.

Complex Example

(Excerpt from Diesel's expression module.)

// diesel/src/expression/mod.rs

//! AST types representing various typed SQL expressions. Almost all types
//! implement either [`Expression`] or [`AsExpression`].

/// Represents a typed fragment of SQL. Apps should not need to implement this
/// type directly, but it may be common to use this as type boundaries.
/// Libraries should consider using [`infix_predicate!`] or
/// [`postfix_predicate!`] instead of implementing this directly.
pub trait Expression {
    type SqlType;

/// Describes how a type can be represented as an expression for a given type.
/// These types couldn't just implement [`Expression`] directly, as many things
/// can be used as an expression of multiple types. ([`String`] for example, can
/// be used as either [`VarChar`] or [`Text`]).
/// [`VarChar`]: diesel::types::VarChar
/// [`Text`]: diesel::types::Text
pub trait AsExpression<T> {
    type Expression: Expression<SqlType=T>;
    fn as_expression(self) -> Self::Expression;

Please note:

How We Teach This


Possible Extensions

Linking to Fields

To link to the fields of a struct we propose to write the path to the struct, followed by a dot, followed by the field name.

For example:

This is stored in the [`size`](storage::Filesystem.size) field.

Linking to Enum Variants

To link to the variants of an enum, we propose to write the path to the enum, followed by two colons, followed by the field name, just like use Foo::Bar can be used to import the Bar variant of an enum Foo.

For example:

For custom settings, supply the [`Custom`](storage::Engine::Other) field.

Linking to associated Items

To link to associated items, i.e., the associated functions, types, and constants of a trait, we propose to write the path to the trait, followed by two colons, followed by the associated item's name. It may be necessary to use fully-qualified paths (cf. the reference's section on disambiguating function calls), like See the [<Foo as Bar>::bar()] method. We have yet to analyze in which cases this is necessary, and what syntax should be used.

Traits in scope

If linking to an associated item that comes from a trait, the link should only be resolved in the trait is in scope. This prevents ambiguities if multiple traits are available with the associated item. For example, this should issue a warning:

/// Link to [S::fmt]
struct S;`

but this should link to the implementation of Debug::fmt for S:

use std::fmt::Debug;

/// Link to [S::fmt]
struct S;`

Linking to External Documentation

Currently, Rustdoc is able to link to external crates, and renders documentation for all dependencies by default. Referencing the standard library (or core) generates links with a well-known base path, e.g. https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/. Referencing other external crates links to the pages Rustdoc has already rendered (or will render) for them. Special flags (e.g. cargo doc --no-deps) will not change this behavior.

We propose to generalize this approach by adding parameters to rustdoc that allow overwriting the base URLs it used for external crate links. (These parameters will at first be supplied as CLI flags but could also be given via a config file, environment variables, or other means in the future.)

We suggest the following syntax:

rustdoc --extern-base-url="regex=https://docs.rs/regex/0.2.2/regex/" [...]

By default, the core/std libraries should have a default base URL set to the latest known Rust release when the version of rustdoc was built.

In addition to that, cargo doc may be extended with CLI flags to allow shortcuts to some common usages. E.g., a --external-docs flag may add base URLs using docs.rs for all crates that are from the crates.io repository (docs.rs automatically renders documentation for crates published to crates.io).

Known Issues

Automatically linking to external docs has the following known tradeoffs:


Unresolved Questions